Superintendent Mentoring Program
The Arkansas School Superintendent Mentoring Program is administered by the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators (AAEA) in collaboration with the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) and the Arkansas Association of School Administrators (AASA). In accordance with Act 586 of 2011, the School Superintendent Mentoring Program includes professional development and the assignment of a trained mentor for first-year Arkansas school superintendents.The purpose of this comprehensive program is to provide essential training and the experience/knowledge of a veteran superintendent to enhance a new superintendent’s potential for success during their first year as a school system leader.
The superintendent mentoring program shall include:
A minimum of eighteen (18) hours of training in the following components:curriculum and instruction, ethics, facilities, human resources, leadership, school finance, technology, school board relations, and the Standards for Accreditation of AR Public Schools.
Twelve (12) hours of documented interaction between the new superintendent and a practicing or retired superintendent that has successfully completed a mentor (coaching) training program.
The successful completion of an assessment for each of the program training components and a final assessment or project covering the entire program.
First-year AR superintendents shall complete the requirements of the superintendent mentoring program within twelve (12) months of becoming a first-year Arkansas superintendent to maintain his or her superintendent’s license.
If, due to disability or other extenuating circumstances as recognized by the State Board of Education, an educator who does not complete the requirements of the superintendent mentoring program within twelve (12) months of becoming a first-year AR superintendent, the State Board may permit the superintendent up to an additional (12) months to complete the program.
Each year’s professional development activities for first-year AR superintendents will be designed to meet the requirements of Act 586 of 2011 and other training requirements required by Arkansas law and/or ADE rules. Each year, the professional development activities will be “re-designed” to reflect changes in laws, to keep abreast of ADE initiatives, and to address current issues of concern.
Coaching Forms
Coaching Agreement Form – Required*
(the coach distributes and reviews this form with the new superintendent at their first meeting.)
Record of Progress Form – Required*
(the coach distributes and completes, with the new superintendent, at the end of each coaching session and then submits to AAEA.)
Coach Feedback Form - Required*
(this form is to be completed by the coach after each coaching session and submitted to AAEA.)
Coaching Background Information Form – Optional
(the coach distributes and reviews this form with the new superintendent at their first meeting.)
Optimizing the Coaching Session Form – Optional
(to be used by the coach if a more formal, structured coaching session is desired or necessary.)
Coaching Preparation Sheet Form – Optional
(to be used by the coach if a more formal, structured coaching session is desired or necessary.)
Superintendent Goals Form – Optional
(to be used by the coach if a more formal, structured coaching session is desired or necessary.)