Below is a list of Finance/HR resources for schools, districts, and parents/families affected by COVID-19. Please check back regularly. This list will be updated as we receive information on additional resources. You can also click the menu bar on the AAEA website and find this information listed under Resources.
SREB K-12 Recovery Playbook in Progress
OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
Ten Steps All Workplaces Can Take to Reduce Risk of Exposure to Coronavirus
USDOE Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund Website
USDOE Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund Certification & Agreement (Application)
2020 ESSA Waivers for Federal Funds
Background Check Guidance for COVID-19
Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
US Dept of Labor COVID-19 & the American Workplace
US Dept of Labor Coronavirus Resources
The Governor's Executive Order 20-06 instructs state agencies to identify regulatory statutes, orders, and rules that are hindering or preventing the rapid response necessary to combat the spread of and recovery from COVID-19. Click HERE for more information regarding these temporary waivers.
Click HERE for a list of temporary waivers regarding school board meetings.
Go to the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management to create a Smart911 profile for your family: is open 7 days a week for applicants to file for unemployment benefits.
COVID-19 Guidance for Emergency Meal Service and Distribution
Estimated COVID-189 State Grants
Stabilization Funds (CARES Act) - DESE is monitoring communication with the U.S. Department of Education and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) for information regarding the CARES Act stabilization funds. DESE will make guidance to LEAs regarding these funds as soon as information is released to states. Currently, districts may code expenditures related to COVID-19 to subject code CV in order to track expenditures that may meet the requirements of the CARES Act funds. DESE encourages districts to document these expenditures.