As the school year is officially ending, school administrators already are looking ahead to the 2020-2021 school year.  In these unprecedented times, many school buildings have been closed or partially closed for longer than usual. Re-entry guidelines on re-opening facilities are already being disseminated by the ADH, DESE, CDE, EPA and others. This list provided below will be updated as we receive information on additional resources. 

    • Community and School Sponsored Team Sports (here) - Effective June 1. 2020 
    • (DESE) has identified a limited list of academic-related summer programs/activities that can resume on school campuses, beginning June 1. Current health directives are being applied to school district operations in the phase-in approach for allowing onsite summer activities to begin, and the directives in the linked document must be followed if a district chooses to allow these activities onsite.  The guidelines can be accessed here.
    • For School Related Health Questions please contact the ADE/ADH hotline: 833-504-0155, Mon.-Fri., 8:00-4:30; The ADH Hotline is: 1-800-803-7874 for after-hours calls.
    • Click here to view the flowchart that will assist districts in responding to COVID-19 related questions
    • CDC recently released a 60-page document for opening America up again.  Within that document is a section with guidance for schools. The section includes safety actions and steps for cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation. 
    • Click here for CDC Decision Tree For Re-Opening Schools. 
    • The Arkansas Department of Health has released a list of recommendations that address potential chemical and microbial health risks that can develop in water systems that have been idle. School facility managers can submit samples to ADH to verify the bacteriological safety of the water supply. Details on the process and cost for that service are available here.
    Vendor Resources
    • This message from Lennox includes an HVAC Re-entry Preparation Plan with steps to take before reoccupying buildings. North America has started to reopen for business and now is the time to get ready to support the ramp up.  Most state guidelines are permitting a variety of businesses to re-open with restrictions on the number of people and other requirements to ensure the safety of everyone in the building.  One of the most common questions we have received recently is what to do to prepare HVAC systems as buildings reopen and start to serve customers again.  Here's a document highlighting key steps we recommend building owners take before reoccupying their buildings.
    • Nabholz is offering COVID-19 disinfection services.  Click HERE for additional information.