November 16, 17, and 18, 2020
Registration is closed.
The Arkansas Association of School Business Officials (AASBO) has scheduled nine CASBO certification classes for November 16 – 18 via live streaming only. These classes will be live streamed from Arkansas PBS Studio in Conway, Arkansas. Plan on participating and learn valuable information and updates in public school finance.
The nine classes scheduled for November 16-18 will include six “Required” classes and three “Elective” classes that may count toward CASBO certification and/or General Business Manager (GBM) requirements. If you need more details about the CASBO certification program, click here.
To “live stream” the CASBO classes you must create an account through the NEW Arkansas PBS Learn LMS. Important note: This is a new LMS – all participants (unless you live streamed in July 2020) will need to create a new account to access the CASBO classes. To create an account, go to https://learn.myarkansaspbs.org/login/signup.php?registration=AAEA
Registration closes Thursday, November 5, with no exceptions. Do not delay!
CPE Credit for CPAs NOW AVAILABLE for four of the CASBO classes!!!
If you are a CPA, four of the CASBO classes qualify for CPE credit in the following fields of study:
- HR101 Intro to Human Resources: Personnel/Human Resources
- HR102 Employee Compensation: Personnel/Human Resources
- HR103 Human Resources Compliance Issues: Personnel/Human Resources
- SF104 Basic Accounting Procedures: Accounting
The following conditions must be met as well:
- You must attend in person (Waived due to Covid Pandemic)
- You must sign in & sign out and complete other paperwork on-site (Waived due to Covid Pandemic)
- While registering, please check the appropriate box if you wish to sign up for the CPE credit and list your CPA license number
Additional information:
- No Prerequisites are needed
- Who Should Attend? Superintendents & School Business Officials including CPAs
- Advanced preparation: Class presentation material will be sent to all participants to preview before the classes
- Program Level: Basic
- Delivery Method: Group-Live (Waived due to Covid Pandemic)
Eligible CASBO Classes for CPE Credit for CPAs denoted by **
Monday, November 16
8:00 - 10:00 MO101 Introduction to Plant Operations (CASBO Required Class)
- Instructor: Mike Mertens, Asst. Executive Director, AAEA
- Description: Introductory class covering staffing, scheduling, standards, policies, preventive maintenance, recurring maintenance and record keeping.
10:15 - 12:15 HR208 Employee COVID-19 Emergency Leave, FFCRA AND FMLA (CASBO Elective Class)
- Instructor: Missy McJunkins Duke, Attorney, Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C.
- Description: Course to assist districts understand the different types of employee leave they are faced with during COVID-19.
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 - 3:00 **SF104 Basic Account Procedures (CASBO Required Class)
- Instructor: Jake Haak, CFO, Rogers Public Schools
- Description: Introduction to basic accounting principles and procedures.
Tuesday, November 17
8:00 - 10:00 **HR101 Introduction to Human Resources (CASBO Required Class)
- Instructor: Jake Haak, CFO, Rogers Public Schools
- Description: Introductory class covering topics such as HR legal issues, evaluation, recruitment and selection, job descriptions, and personnel records.
10:15 - 12:15 **HR102 Employee Compensation (CASBO Required Class)
- Instructor: Kelsey Bailey, CFO, Little Rock School District
- Description: Class covers legal authority and obligations of school districts regarding employee contracts, salaries, wages, benefits, deductions and pertinent payroll records and personnel policies.
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 - 3:00 **HR103 Human Resources Compliance Issues (CASBO Required Class)
- Instructor: Charles Warren, CFO, Fort Smith School District
- Description: A Course to provide compliance regarding labor issues, compensation issues and time sheets issues.
Wednesday, November 18
8:00 - 10:00 FS/TR101 Intro to Food Services & Transportation (CASBO Required Class)
- Instructors: Cristy Dunnahoe, Business Manager, Star City School District and Janet Clarke, Senior Transportation Manager, DPSAFT
- Description: Introductory class covering food services federal regulations, accounting, staffing, in-service and outsourcing and state/federal laws, fleet management, routing/scheduling, and personnel for transportation.
10:15 - 12:15 SM211 Communicating Your Budget (CASBO Elective Class)
- Instructor: Kelly Hayes, Deputy Superintendent, Springdale School District
- Description: This session will share ideas on how to present your district's budget and financial information in user friendly format so that everyone (school board, patrons, and staff) comes away with a basic understanding oh how school budgets work.
12:15 - 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 - 3:00 SF225 Medicaid Operations in Schools (CASBO Elective Class)
- Instructor: Jerri Clark, Director, School Health Services, DESE and Rena McCone, Southern Regional MITS Advisor, DESE
- Description: Class covers Medicaid billing options, profiles, underperforming regulations, Medicaid match, ARMAC programming and efinance coding related to Medicaid and ARMAC.
AAEA/AASBO Member - $30 per class. Non Member - $45 per class
You are encouraged to register as soon as possible. Online registration will close on Friday, November 6.
CASBO Contacts at AAEA:
Karen Dean, AAEA Certification Program Manager, k.dean@theaaea.org
Robyn Keene, AAEA Director of Financial Services, r.keene@theaaea.org
AAEA Office Number: 501-372-1691
Certification/Program Policies: For information regarding refund, complaint, and program cancellation policies, please contact our office at 501-372-1691
AAEA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.