2021 AAGEA Gifted Education Coordinator Mentoring Program
“AAGEA wants to give our new and newish Gifted and Talented Coordinators another support tool beyond the support they receive from their local Educational Service Cooperative specialists. The mentoring meetings will be informal and designed around the needs of those participating. Collaboratively, we'll work to answer any and all questions and problems our members are facing." Aaron Randolph, Executive Director of K-12 Curriculum/Instruction and Gifted/AP Programs and AAGEA President.
The first session will be held Tuesday, December 8 from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm. There will be 3 additional formal meetings with dates and times to be determined. If needed, follow-up opportunities will be scheduled as well.
AAEA Member registration fee is zero dollars.
Non-Member registration fee is $100.
Last day of registration is Monday, December 7, 2020.
Dr. Mike Hernandez
AAEA Executive Director Elect
Marty Smith
AAEA Member Relations Manager
Aaron Randolph
Executive Director of K-12 Curriculum/Instruction & Gifted/AP Programs
Cabot School District